Become licensed ham operator – VU3EFL – Surat


CQ.. CQ..  CQ.. This is VU3EFL…

VU3EFL surat ham radio operator

Today, I got my license to transmit and receive on amateur radio frequency.  Yes, I had shared a post that i cleared amateur radio exam. It was a since 29th Dec 2021 to 1st Feb 2022 was a long waiting period for me but if we compare this time with late 90’s then you may say that this waiting period is nothing as on those days license issue were taking 3 to 4 years.

So, lets jump to the good part of today’s post. I have got my amateur radio operating license today from Telecommunication ministry of Indian government. my unique call sign or you can say my universal identity in wireless network is VU3EFL. VU represent India, 3 Represents  Restricted Grade and last three words EFL is my identity number. This call sign is valid in entire world.

So, what’s next.

I started making a 5 element cubical quard antenna for my radio too, I have UV5R radio set.  See with restricted grade we have limitation of usage of power and emmisions, so my plan is to prepair for the general grade . Meanwhile i will start using my restricted grade and i will share the stuff, QSOs and learning on this blog.

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  1. Nirmal February 2, 2022 at 3:29 am

    Congratulations brother

  2. Vora sweta m. February 2, 2022 at 5:09 am

    ” Congratulations on your incredible success…! I always knew you could do it and I’m incredibly proud of you…!”


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