Interview Preparation…

We have observed from childhood that our aspiration and desire frequently gets changes on different age. Like in childhood we want gain admission in the best school of the society. At age of maturity its gets changed, now we want to get admission in best collage of our nation, state or city. Once collage is about to gets complete, we want job in reputed companies with tagline like Multi-nation, Leading in country and so on.. than we looking for best life partner, shelter, family, society and lastly it’s gets end with the peaceful death.

You are on this page so let me assume probability that in 90% of case you may fall under age of 20-25 Right..! Might be possible that you are about to opt for your fist job interview. Here you will find the simple and effective tips which I had followed to cleared my first job interview. I hope this might be helpful to you.

So rather than writing too many tips, i will drag few simple tips by which you will be able crack interview in smoothest way.

Research work:

It is one of the stupidest decisions to go without weapons on the battlefield. By weapons I don’t mean you brings guns and bombs with you :P. It’s a sign language. Before interview we have to prepare our self enough to face any kind of damn situation. for that we have to work on following aspect.

Company Information:Visit company’s website, Product (B2B or B2C) & its Process, Presentation, S.B.U (Sub Business Unit), Social Corporate Responsibility, Total Number of employees & Its competitors. By gathering this information you will gets the insides about how company works? what are job opportunities are there? It will also going to help you to differentiate yourself from other.
Industry Information:SWOT analyses will help you to gets insides about entire industry. A company’s decisions are highly influence on the scenario of the industry. If you study this aspect than you will surely be able to give strategic answer to your interviewer.
Statistical data:Gather the statistical data and learn it by rote. While you face G.D. (Group Discussion) or P.I. (Personal Interview) apply this knowledge by your shrewdness. It will helps you to establish your strong foundation to be get scrutinize in job interview.

Strategy Formulation:

You might have seen ancient story of Ramayan and Mahabharat..!!.Warrior has taken attunement how to use different weapons but they were instructed to choose any one weapon in which they enkindle their expertise.

Here you have to analyze about your own self. You are about to compete with your own classmates. You might be aware about the different expertise of your friends and classmate. To beat the competition and stay ahead of the crowd you have to identify what are your strong points and once you identify it than try to enhance it.

For example, I had used my blogging & Digital marketing knowledge as a weapon. No one will find such combination:- blogger with MBA. The organization has identified multiple skills inside me and hence this helps me to get first job by first trail :).

Suggestion: Don’t share your strategy with others (If you have such expertise which required lots of time for others to grip over it then it’s okay to share.)

physical Apparel:

First Impression is the last impression, there will too many applications pending on the desk of interviewers, one single mistake will be prove to through out your application in the dustbin. By observing mistakes they will firstly think: “If he/she is not worried about their self to gain job then how will they take care our organization?”

There are two aspects which creates your first impression:

Your Outfit: Wear comfortable professional dresses, for that you will find numbers of examples just search in google with keyword “Job Interview Outfit”. Your apparel will surely gives you different kind of support to build confidence inside you.

Your Resume: Your Bio-data must be neat and clean, don’t add unnecessary or false information. It must be eye catchy and well formatted. Avoid spelling mistakes, you may take advice from your faculties for the same.

Preparation for Q&A:

Every interview will have one to one or panel interview round. Here you will be bombarded with numbers of questions.

Positive and Negative Factors of Organization:

As you have already studied lots of about the organization and industry so note down positive aspect and negative aspect of the firm. Predict the question that you are about to face and form answer in your mind before interview. The question will not be same as per your prediction but believe me it will help you to answer all the questions which will going to ask by interviewer.

Improvement Area and Opportunities for Organization:

You have studied strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats of the organization and its industry. Let me assume that you are ready with your strategies. So now it’s time to integrate both the thing together. Any firm will hire only and only when they find uniqueness inside you. Identify where the firm is lacking behind, and suggest them that you will going to help them to overcome on such area. Anyhow you have to communicate this thing in mind of your interview.

Preparation for Group Discussion:

Well this is all about luck by chance, here just you need to focus on not to speak anything illogical. One wrong input will create bad impression.

Keep in mind supporting good points & respect of other’s points are also going add value to your profile. One strong logical point can help you to crack your group discussion.

While participating in GD, you may find that someone try to stop you, but don’t hesitate to request them: “let me finish first” with courtesy. Believe me this will create good impression on interviewer.


Without input expecting output is the biggest superstition, same way self-confidence is outcome of your input. Believe me if you have worked on above mentioned tips than you will never find your self confidenceless. Confidence is key of success.

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