
Not to deal with such suppliers…

Today, I called one of my suppliers for some inquiries, although he deals only with polyester yarn. I use only nylon yarn, so I call him only when I have special demands for polyester yarn product. I received an inquiry for conventional covered yarn from Tirupur and called Mr. Jayesh from AYM Sintex to sort out the related queries. If the issues were resolved, we could consider dealing with that yarn as well. Unfortunately, we had only dealt with sampling yarn previously. He regularly sends me surplus stock details, which… Read More

DIY Rig control CI-V Cable for Icom Transreceiver.

Hello, every one this is VU3EFL. After making 20/40 meter antenna for my icom transreceiver 746pro, I plan to make DIY CI-V Cable to control my rig using my Desktop pc. For controling rig we need FTDI USB Icom programing cable, You have a option to buy new one from the online market place. But as a hobby i always try to make it by my self so that it saves money, enhance knowledge and when its works – “Give confidence and feeling of satisfaction” that yes i make it… Read More

DIY Dual band “Inverted V antenna” for 20m and 40m.

If talking about HF and not talking about 20m and 40m band then the talk is said to be incomplete. Especially in India 20m and 40m are very popular, most of the daily nets are operated on both these bands. As a beginner in ham radio. I was regularly listing those nets and conversations on my USDX QRP set. I got the inspiration to build my first HF antenna from listening to other ham friends on USDX. Latter I bought ICOM746Pro. Being an amateur radio license holder and do not… Read More

My objectives behind writing on Amateur radio.

Welcome to the blog of VU3EFL. First and foremost, I’d like to welcome you to the world of amateur radio. I am new to amateur radio, and, also being a blogger and writer, I got the inspiration to write about my amateur radio journey and share my experiences, knowledge, and understanding on this blog. So the first question that must arise in your mind is, “Why should we read this blog or why should we follow you?” So my response is that if your and my motivations are similar, we… Read More

My name in the news of Times of India…(12 Feb 2023)

Recently, I got the opportunity to be a part of an interview on the occasion of World Radio Day by The Times of India. The interview was taken by Mr.Yagnesh Mehta and Mr.Gaurang Joshi (a photographer). Both have very sharp and deep knowledge of the news media industries. VU2JRT, Jagdish Maheta, one of the senior ham from Surat city, He is my guru as he and other ham helping me a lot to understand ham radio. One day he called me and told me that reporters from the Times of… Read More

Ham radio – Coax Loss Chart dB / 100 feet.

Coax Loss chart dB per 100 feet on diffrent frequency like 3.5 mhz, 7 mhz, 14 mhz, 28 mhz, 50 mhz , 144 mhz, 440 mhz and 2400 mhz.   Above charts is by qsradio and shared here. In ham radio, we always try to get the best result out of limited resources. A power used for radio equipment and power output must have a lowest loss for that diffrent frequency has diffrent power loss as per our cable selection, its all about science and experiments.. above chart represents the… Read More

Eyeball QSO with VU2DWA & VU2TPF at Surat.

Yesterday (6th Feb 2022), We had a eyeball QSO with VU2DWA/ KC2ZND – O.M Sir Digvijayam Parchara, VU2TPF – O.M. Sir Jigneshbhai and VU3EFL – Me at Surat city. I have just joined the Surat team of Ham Radio.Till that date I had an Eyeball QSO with VU2KYZ – O.M Sir Ashok Khacharji, VU2JRT – O.M Sir Jagdish Mahetaji, VU2TPF – O.M Sir Jigneshji and VU3HJL – O.M Hardik Tejani. O.M. Sir Jignesh doshiji (VU2TPF) is one of the active ham operators in surat city, he told that one of… Read More

Become licensed ham operator – VU3EFL – Surat

Namaste, CQ.. CQ..  CQ.. This is VU3EFL… Today, I got my license to transmit and receive on amateur radio frequency.  Yes, I had shared a post that i cleared amateur radio exam. It was a since 29th Dec 2021 to 1st Feb 2022 was a long waiting period for me but if we compare this time with late 90’s then you may say that this waiting period is nothing as on those days license issue were taking 3 to 4 years. So, lets jump to the good part of today’s… Read More

Finally, ASOC exam is cleared..

As you all knows previously i had shared a post – The begining a new journey as a ham radio operator. Now It’s a good news that i have cleared ASOC exam and got result on 28th Dec 2020. Still i am not authorized to use ham radio as i need to apply for the licence. OM Sasi – VU2XZ from hyderabad helped me alot during this entire process of getting cleared my exam. Now again i got guidelines from him to apply for license too. I have applied for… Read More

A new journey as amateur radio operator (HAM) is about to begin.

Hello, friends… Every body keep progressing and keep going in their life. From the my childhood i always prefers the way which differentiate my self from others. This is clearly visible by this blog, in my entire educational and social life have never meet a single person who do blog like me. May or may not be i am not that much efficient blogger but what ever i do it’s creates a memory in the mind of people. And the journey of my life keeps going and i keep adding… Read More